How to remove windows 10 watermark in your PC


Hello everyone, back again in the panel Ran Tutorials. On this occasion we will discuss about how to remove the windows 10 logo on pc and laptop.

This way is used not to hack your windows into illegal but only used so as not to interfere with your performance in doing your  in your pc activities.

Here are the steps.

First, you open Notepad and write the drawn code.

Second, Save in format (.bat)

Third, you select the saved file and continue to right-click and then click Run As Administrator

Wait a while, after that restart your pc so that the windows watermark logo is lost.
Sufrandi Saya sufrandi, saya lahir pada tanggal 18 februari 1999, saya sekarang berumur 21 Tahun,saya sedang menjalani kuliah Teknik Kimia D3 di Universitas Riau.

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